Sunday, February 24, 2008


Here's the dealio on this IEP project. I'm going to use my "Skeleton Woman" movie as evidence that I have advanced technologically. After viewing the movie, a power point presentation (that I still haven't actually created) will replace the typical notes on the overhead to which these students are accustomed. This all kind of acts as the anticipatory set to my unit on John Steinbeck's The Pearl.

Students will be asked to think about the differences between oral and written traditions in storytelling. Archetypes and Cultural Geography are themes that will run throughout the lesson as we see examples in The Pearl and consistently relate back to "Skeleton Woman."

Ultimately, at the end of the lesson, I would like students to either write or find a story from (or in the style of) oral tradition and make a movie with Movie Maker or Imovie. Integration, Baby.

1 comment:

Amanda Gustaveson said...

I found this website on oral history and thought of your IEP project. Not sure if it will help or not....

Go Galena!